Sunday, February 28, 2010

~ Blogger Award ~

I was just given this amazing award from "Who Doesn't Love Coupons"

I was so Excited to receive this Award :) Because.. Lord Knows My Blog cannot compare with sooo many others that I have learned sooo much about Coupons from...with that said I will do my duties and pass it on :))

The rules for accepting this award:

1.Thank the person that gave you the award

2. Pass this award on to 13 bloggers you've recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic!

3. Contact the Bloggers you pick to let them know they've won.

4. State 7 Things about yourself!

Here is 7 things about me:

1. I just turned 40 in December :))

2. I have a little boy named Adam who has Rubenstein Taybi Syndrome Which has to do with the # 16 Chromosome. He is non verbal he uses sign language to communicate and he is the Happiest little boy you'll ever meet and I am SOOO Blessed to be his Momma :))

3. I have a 19 year old Daughter named Lauren who was born three months premature. She has Cerebral Palsy and walks with walking canes. She is the Joy of my life. Her Father was killed in car accident when she was two and it was just her & I for 8 years.

4. I have a little 8YO Girl named Leana Grace who was born with no so called "problems" :)) She certainly keeps me on my toes and she is a great help and Blessing in my life.

5.I live in Sunny Florida :) Ive lived here all my life in the same area :)

6.I am Married to a man who climbs trees for a living. He has a tree company named after our son ~ Adams Tree Service ~

7. I love the outdoors, sunshine, rain, flowers, giving, helping, Living a life that is pleasing to the Lord. there are many other things I love but Ill keep it short for now :)))

Here are 13 blogs I have discovered recently and love:

1. The Prudent Patron
2. The Frugal Freeloader
3. Thrifty tips from Tiff
4. I am a money Magnet
5. Girls to Grow
6. Clipping To Save
7. Big Fat Piggy Bank
8. Family Stamping Food
9. Friend Family Fun
10.Mandys Frugal Journey
11.Stockpiling Moms
12.The Saving Sisters
13.The Coupon "High"


  1. I am honored to be one of the blogs you love!! Thanks so much for including me in this award!

  2. Thank you so much for the award. Also thanks for noticing my little ol site. lol It really meant a lot today!

  3. Awe thank you!! I appreciate being included in your list!

  4. Thank you so much!
    By the way, your blog gets cuter each time I visit it.
